bumps on eyelids

Bumps on Eyelids: A Guide to Treatment and Prevention

Eyelid bumps can easily go away using home remedies. If the lump interferes with your vision, doesn’t respond to home treatment, or is too painful to bear, seek medical treatment. Understanding what causes eyelid bumps can also aid prevention and decision-making as some conditions may require eyelid surgery. Here’s an overview of eyelid bumps as well as the different types, symptoms, treatment, and prevention:

What Is An Eyelid Bump?

An eyelid bump is any painful lump at the edge of your upper or lower eyelid.

Some appear red and are located where the eyelash meets the eyelid. Bacteria and oil gland blockage are the common causes of most eyelid bumps, and the condition is generally harmless. You don’t necessarily require medical treatment as bumps can go away with basic home care. Other cases are severe and call for prompt medical care and diagnosis.

Types of Eyelid Bumps

Before considering treatment for your eyelid issue, you should know the type of bump. Understanding what kind it is and the underlying cause will determine your treatment options. All eyelid bumps can fall into these primary categories: styes, a chalazion, viral papilloma (warts), cysts (sebaceous and apocrine cysts), and xanthelasma.

1.    Styes

A stye occurs when bacteria penetrate the oil glands in your eyelids, Styes are common and round, with a red bump close to the eyelash. It can make you feel sore or itchy around the eyelid and increase sensitivity to light, resulting in teary eyes. A style requires a few days to form, and you can have more than one on the same eyelid.

2.    Chalazion

A chalazion is another common type of eyelid bump stemming from issues with the oil gland. It’s an inflammatory lesion that develops when your tear gland or oil-producing glands in the eyelids get blocked. A chalazion can grow to a bigger size than styes and is generally painless. The bump can, however, interfere with your vision, depending on its location and size.

3.    Viral Papilloma (Warts)

Viral papilloma generally occurs in middle-aged or elderly adults. It is benign and painless and appears as a simple skin tag on the eyelid. Standard removal of this eye bump includes excision, where the doctor will surgically remove the wart from the eyelid.

4.    Sebaceous Cysts and Apocrine Cysts

Apocrine cysts are rare but benign cystic tumors of the apocrine sweat glands. These nodules may appear along the eyelid margin. Sebaceous cysts are also benign. Visit your doctor to assess the condition of your eyelid. They will determine whether you have eyelid cysts or a different kind of bump.

5.    Xanthelasma

This eyelid bump stems from fat buildup under the skin. Xanthelasma is generally harmless, yellowish, and occurs more in older people. Such eyelid bumps can also indicate high cholesterol levels. If xanthelasma interferes with your vision or becomes painful, consider medical treatment as this may suggest other issues, such as bacterial infection (stye).

Symptoms of Eyelid Bumps

Eyelid bumps manifest in different symptoms depending on the type. Most lumps are either red or the color of your skin and appear along the edge of the eyelid.

The bump may be tender or firm, and others result in watery eyes, gritty, scratchy sensations, and light sensitivity. Eyelid bumps can be mild or harmless, but you should seek medical attention if you experience the following:

•    Your eyes become teary/watery

•    There’s discharge from your eye

•    The white part of your eye changes color

•    The bump causes trouble seeing

•    Your eyes hurt in low lighting

•    The bump grows or gets extremely painful

•    You experience eyelid blistering and bleeding in the eyelid bump

•    Your eyelid becomes scaly, crusty, or reddish

What Causes Bumps on Eyelid?

Stye eyelid bumps occur when bacteria enter the oil glands in your eyelid, causing inflammation. Those with blepharitis and other eyelid inflammation conditions are more likely to get stye bumps. Chalazion bumps can form when the eyelid oil glands and tear glands are blocked. A style that fails to drain can become a chalazion. Xanthelasma bumps appear when fat collects below the skin surface and may indicate an underlying condition.

Preventing Eyelid Bumps

You can do various things to prevent developing eyelid bumps. Practicing good hygiene is essential in stopping the spread of bacteria and preventing stye eyelid bumps. Make sure you don’t touch your eyes until you’ve washed your hands. If you have blepharitis, rinse your eyelids at least once a day and use a warm compress as soon as you feel irritation. You can also keep xanthelasma bumps at bay by controlling cholesterol levels and eating healthy.

Eyelid Bumps Treatment

Not all eyelid bumps are avoidable or resolved without treatment. If you’re concerned about a stye or chalazion bump becoming bigger or more painful, consult a professional immediately. Some bumps resolve with common home remedies, but others may require advanced procedures like eyelid surgery to restore normal function. Here’s a look at popular treatment options for eyelid bumps:

a)    Home Care

A warm compress is a popular home care treatment for eyelid bumps. Holding a warm compress for about ten minutes up to four times a day can help loosen and drain blockages in the glands. Heat and compression can also aid healing, but these homecare practices aren’t required for xanthelasma.

b)    Medical Care

If the eyelid bump doesn’t respond to warm compress and routine hygiene, you should involve a medic. The eye is a delicate organ and requires experienced ophthalmologists and eye surgeons to correct. Your doctor will determine whether the bump needs puncturing, draining, antibiotic cream and drops, or eyelid surgery.

Do I Need Eyelid Surgery?

Bumps, such as a large chalazion that doesn’t go away on its own, may require surgery. Eyelid surgery will remove the bump and treat the wound to protect your eye from infection. Surgery can also correct fluid drainage and blockage issues. At London Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic Plastics, we specialize in the eyelid, eye socket, and peri-ocular surgery. Contact us today to learn more.